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作者:泽民类风湿 发布时间:2017-12-29 最近编辑时间:2018-05-11 阅读:















Hu Zemin’s blueprint

    It is a long journey to introduce traditional Chinese medicine to the world. Although TCM output already went through thousands of years, it only succeeded in ancient times. At that time Chinese civilization was in a prosperous era and TCM was the most advanced medical method.
    But without the cultural background, it is not an easy task to spread TCM to other countries. In modern times, for the strict regulations and rules are based on western medicine, and the conception of TCM is very different from western medicine, TCM’s output is in a dilemma.
    In the Chinese worldwide migration process, they brought along Chinese herbs. More and more people realized the irreplaceable effect of TCM and they cannot ignore it anymore. Then there came out a method to treat Chinese herbs as food to avoid the trouble of changing the rules.

The Trouble of RA and AS
    As one of the five major chronic and stubborn diseases, the rheumatoid disease or the ankylosing spondylitis has always been the problem of the medical community and lacks a method. The present standard of rehabilitation is to inhibit the disease and eliminate pain to ensure patients’ normal life and work. However, the “Mr. Hu Herb Treatment of Rheumatoid Arthritis” has a unique standard of helping patients get recovery and reduce the side effect at the maximum level. After research, Mr. Hu ultimately learnt from the idea of stimulating the state of the pregnant women to improve his start-up of the formula. After his personal reagent and many clinical validations, the “Mr. Hu Herb Treatment of Rheumatoid Arthritis” magically cured his serous rheumatoid disease and helped 100, 000 patients who suffered the disease or the ankylosing spondylitis.
    Through feedback and research, Hu Zemin found that the individual difference to the treatment is not obvious. "Hu’s therapy” successfully standardized the treatment of rheumatoid disease and improved the reliability and efficiency of treatment without influencing the effect, which made the way for its overseas expanding.
    According to the data, the incidence of rheumatoid is 0.5 ~ 1% in American whites, about 5.3% in American Indians, significantly higher than the incidence of 0.32 ~ 0.4% in China. After many research, Hu Zemin chose the United States as the first destination for his overseas expanding.
    Thus, Hu Zemin TCM rheumatoid medical group was founded in Los Angeles, Pomona city, and the first traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) hospital opened afterwards. "The Hu’s therapy" opened the door of  overseas market with perfect performance!

The Promising Future
    Since the overseas market was opened, it is a grand new era for Hu Zemin TCM rheumatoid medical group. After the hospital was recognized, Hu Zemin began planning the further plan.
    The hospital in Los Angeles is just the first step, and a successful first step could make way for the future. Take Los Angeles as the starting point, New York, Boston, Chicago, Atlanta, Philadelphia, San Francisco are all on the list. Eventually it would form a network of $50 million, with 200 medical branches.

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类风湿关节炎 About RA