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作者:泽民类风湿 最近编辑时间:2017-12-24 阅读:


Testimony by Elisabeth Kpoti
    I was having pain in my joint from 2013 in MN because of the cold weather in MN. I moved to CA, but the pain still continued and getting worse everyday. I have had time to get out in bed in the morning or used bathroom at night, to cook or dress myself. I went to see my Dr, he gave me pain medication, it didn’t work.
    He did more blood test and found out that I have Rheumatoid Arthritis. I start taking Rheumatoid Arthritis medication, but no solution for the pain.
    I went online and found out it’s very dangerous disease. By the grace of God and prayers to get my healing, I found Hu’s herbs treatment online. I called the office and visited them. After consultation, I started the herbal treatment and for just 3 weeks, I am feeling wonderful already. I thank God for my healing and I am recommending to those who are in pain from Rheumatoid Arthritis and Ankylosing Spondylitis to visit us because I am a consultant working for them now as proof.
I authorized Mr.Hu to used my testimonies and my picture for advertisement online and the media

Elisabeth Kpoti
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类风湿关节炎 About RA